
Top 10 Tips to Manage Corporate Events

Corporate Event Management Companies in Dubai

As an event planner for Corporate Events in Dubai, you juggle between venues and caterers to managing staff and everything that lies in-between. As the event grows closer, you’ll find yourself battling sleepless nights, stressing over every minute detail, often having no time to think about anything else but the upcoming day. If you don’t have a sound strategy in place, getting through the list of to-do’s can become quite a task!

Here’s our guide to help you weather the storm that’s to come, ensuring your event is a hit and that you don’t burn yourself out before it does:


Dates! Dates! Dates!

Hitting Business deadlines and minor milestones along the way are crucial if you’re to have yourself prepared for the big day, so why not have them marked out on a calendar? Having it set before you and handy will give you leverage and ensure that the last-minute panic you face building up to the event is significantly reduced. This stress can be even more monstrous if you’re juggling various events with conflicting datelines.

Having a template calendar for various events can help you track all your marketing activities such as email invites, advertising campaigns and social media promotions. Save yourself the ad-lib stress, get “calendared” today!


Automation Nation!


After you’ve got an event calendar in place, you can then automate the promotions. Most event organizers have roughly 10 different tech tools that can aid you in this task, and automation can help streamline these tasks as well.

For example, platforms like Hootsuite allow you to schedule your social promotions from one hub instead of logging into every social network your event uses. You can also save time by automatically publishing your Facebook Events from your event registration platform. As a bonus, this step will also make it easier for attendees to register.


Create Template Emails and Save Time!


We get it – writing individual emails for each client can be a time-consuming task, which ends up taking away from getting other equally-important tasks done as well! Since most emails that go through to clientele are individualized only be the person they’re being directed to, why not create a template email that you can then personalize? Having an estimate of how many emails you need to send out, as well as the follow-ups and reminders you’ll have to push through, you can create templates and customize for each event and audience accordingly.

Although you might have all this pegged down, done and dusted, external circumstances are something that we cannot control completely, and the checklist building up to the event will seem endless. corporate event management companies in Dubai should be prepared to face contingencies which might add more tasks to their plates, more than they already have. While unwinding might be a distant reality at this point, taking measures such as the ones listed above will help ensure that you avoid the crash and burn scenario before your event finishes, keeping you focused and on top of your event. Is stress getting the better of you? Call us on +971 42 86 1991 and we can arrange a session of stress-busting fun for you and your company!


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